Asset management is about getting the most out of assets or resources, that is, everything that has value for an organization. This management can be integrated in the management systems of the organization and certified under ISO 55001, similar to Quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001), energy efficiency (ISO 50001), etc. When the scope of asset management sticks only to the physical assets of the organization, it is related to maintenance engineering, reliability and overall efficiency. ISO 55001: 2014 is the first standard that not only allows but also supports the use of economic indicators in the decision making included in the scope of certification, something that normally many auditors of this type of systems had problems.
In the banking sector there is an activity that consists of the responsible management of capital and the guarantees of companies as bonds and actions by managing institutions (such as banks), to achieve the greatest benefits to investors.
Unlike financial advice, asset management is not only a way of having investment advice, but is also a relevant activity by asset management institutions, which must make decisions about the management of investments.
The objective of asset management is present in the management of clients’ investment portfolio taking into consideration their risk situation.